Wednesday August 7, 2013 There is no true friendship other than the one you share with God..........Every other friendship shall ask for a small part of your peace.........and the strength that allows you to be true to your very own Self...........
God is your friend..........your very best friend..........He is so silent standing beside you at every moment that you are not even aware of His love and protection for you....
God smiles when you smile..........He tears when you tear..........He understands your every need and He gives it to you before you ask...........
God cherishes even a moment that you give to Him..........He returns to you the moment of love with a lifetime of Grace...........
God believes in you more than you can ever know..........He creates the obstacles and fills you with enormous faith in your self.........That faith gives to you the gift of peace and the treasure of the highest truth.......
God listens to your each and every prayer...........There is never a moment that you are speaking to Him and He is not listening......
God answers your every prayer..........Whatever you receive is the greatest gift.........Never doubt what He has sent your way.........Never ask for more...........That which hasĀ fallen in your hands is the treasure that shall lead you to a life of peace............
God carries you in His arms even when you deny Him.........He pleads with you to fill the pits of karma with the purity of repentance.........
God is before you this moment........He is behind you..........He is around you...........Within you............God does not give up on you.........Even if you have chosen to live the worst nightmare in life He stands by you never judging you.........